Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Broadcast Yourself" - YouTube

YouTube's slogan for their website is "Broadcast Yourself" meaning they want you to video tape yourself upon any topic that viewers may be interested in and come watch. Now it is pretty clear that it is impossible to watch every single video on YouTube, there's just too many. Very few go viral, mainly because most videos aren't interesting and are just plain stupid with no meaning. Videos that have recently been catching people's attention are confession videos using cue cards. There have been different topics for these videos for example, bullying, thoughts of suicide, family problems etc. Did you know that according to a study by The University of Guelph, in their psychology department, 50 per cent of local students report being bullied and don't feel safe at school. Also a study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying. YouTube has an impact on society by giving these bully victims (or whatever the case may be) a chance to express their feelings. These videos are great videos to stop bullying. Watching these videos makes you realize that your life isn't that bad and that you have it a lot better than others. Trust me when I say that you never know who's hiding behind a fake smile, you never know what kind of a life they lived.

Watch the video below before reading the rest of the blog.

The girl in the video is my sister's best friend. She's like a second sister to me. She's one of the happiest people I know. Well at least I thought she was. My sister and I didn't know she went through all of this. It shows that in person she couldn't handle telling people even her close friends what she's been through. YouTube makes a big impact on these people, allowing them to send a message that no matter how bad life seems, there's always someone there who loves you and that life does get better. YouTube has this big impact on society because it let's us see how bullying can really hurt someone from a personal point of view and not just let's say your teacher for example who keeps telling you bullying is bad.



  1. It's only recently that I've heard and actually watched these you tube videos and I really do see how they might have an impact on the person making them and the viewers. It really goes to show just how much people hide their real lives in order to get through their day. Your blog was really good, I'm looking forward to reading more of them.

  2. Ive never heard of these video, but they do make a change and would help alot of people! I Beleive there always is a silver lining. I think i can speak for alot of people when i say the majority of people get bullied really bad once in their life, and are ashamed. This shows that we can start moving on. The only thing im afraid of is that now cyberbullies might start to see this and react in a negative way.

  3. im so glad u posted this! its awesome. i didnt know these kind of videos were popular, but i can see why, it made me cry! its amazing that people can be so honest and come out with their problems, even if its through youtube. this girl is brave!

  4. I actually didn't watch the video only because I'm at work and don't have time :P but it seems like a video made by that jonah kid if im not mistaken, that's very sad but on the bright side at least it's an anonymous way of exposing ur true self because exposing ur real self too ur friends could be a very hard thing to do! There's a positive coming out or YouTube for once ! :) good blog
