Friday, January 27, 2012

Recap + Thanks

Throughout my blogs I have tried to show everyone the different things you can do on YouTube, we seen that you can possibly make a career out of YouTube through YouTube employment. I've showed that with real evidence of Justin Bieber's story that you can get noticed and possibly become famous through YouTube. It helps others express their feelings, 'Broadcast Yourself' in a more comfortable way, letting people know that they might not be the person everyone thinks to be, maybe hiding behind a fake smile, and are reaching out for help. All of these examples can be ruined if SOPA gets passed, because it could have serious effects on the YouTube company. I've showed that YouTube not only can be used to pass the time but can be used for your education, and try to make education fun. There are answers on YouTube to some question you may have in class. It allows everyone with different personalities to use YouTube to their liking, such as gamers who need strategies and what not to beat their games. I spoke about the news and how history can still be viewed so that key moments are not forgotten and also talked about how YouTube is the place where shows/funny videos will always be where as they might not be aired ever again on TV. And lastly, I talked about how this website can be used to make new friends and communicate and talk about serious problems that should be talked about instead of useless conversations. Thanks again for viewing my blog everyone and I hope I did okay. :$

Meeting new people?

People know YouTube mostly to watch videos but it can be used for so much more. One thing people do not think about is that you can meet new people. How? Well it's pretty simple. The YouTube layout lets you have your own profile, including a picture. People can view your profile and send you messages, they can watch the videos you have posted but also see the videos you have posted. As far as meeting new people goes, if someone has a video and you want to respond to it then you can put 'Re: (Insert youtube video name here)'. Certain examples of where people have met over YouTube was an old lajeunesse student Alex Seguin when he would have video conversations with a YouTube celebrity I guess you could say, named Tyler Ward. After a couple of video conversations they had actually met when Tyler Ward went on tour.

A popular video has been one of the most viral videos around where there has been many different opinions of the subject. It has gotten over 17 million views in 2 weeks. It is called 'Why I hate religion, but love Jesus || Spoken Word'. There have been many people responding to the video disagreeing with what he says but there are also people who respond and agree. I personally think that what he says has great meaning and I enjoy his videos. He has other videos that have a lot of meaning too and it makes everyone think. If you haven't seen these videos I suggest you watch them.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Everyone watches the news, whether it is sports highlights, the weather, or just for insight on what is happening in other countries or even around your own country. The problem with the news is that it is always on at a specific time. On YouTube you will always be able to find the latest news if you can't make it home to watch it on TV. Also YouTube is a benefit for the news because after being aired on TV it can be watch repeatedly on YouTube making the subject a much bigger topic. YouTube has news reports uploaded from other prior years which is good because people who have not experienced certain history before they can learn about it from YouTube. For example, the events of 9/11. Because it happened around 10 years ago, it is not something that is always on TV but it is still a topic being talked about because it is recent. When people hear about 9/11 and want to re-watch the events that happened they can search it up on YouTube.

YouTube does not always have to be for serious news broadcast. It can capture the moments that will never be aired on the news again, for example: When a news broadcaster screws up live and is now been seen by the whole world every day on YouTube.

My personal favorite thing about the news is sports highlights because I am a huge sports fan. I believe that YouTube is great for historic sports moments so they can be viewed all the time and still get the recognition that they deserve. I say this because sometimes there are just too many games on in the same night and you cannot watch all of them at once.


Video games have evolved so much in recent years and millions around the world play every single day. A lot of people think that playing to many video games can make you immature and very unsocial. I believe that there is nothing wrong with playing video games from time to time. Video gaming is actually a profession for some people which is where YouTube comes into play. There are so many people who upload videos onto YouTube to show of their skills. There are certain companies for example that work with Call of Duty that pay the best people in the world at the game to upload their videos to YouTube because it is publicity for the game and everyone sees that if you're good that it can be a great game. Including gaming onto YouTube gives a variety of videos for everyone in the world and gives those hardcore gamers an interest for YouTube.

Machinima is one of the companies that pay these members.

Personally, I think the people who watch these videos every day needs to find something better to do with their time. It is pretty funny how they fight though over the comments. They all start to rage at each other with all their gaming talk. I know Mr. Knoecker is going to love this article! I don't mind so much Call of Duty, but I hate when people play games like World of Warcraft. It's a computer game and i'm not a big fan of those. World of Warcraft actually advertises on YouTube to get more people to play the game.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


YouTube brings to the table many different topics to their website. One topic that many people seem to forget about is the educational section of YouTube. In this section you can find many tips on how to do your homework, for example: how to simplify your math equations. It can also give teachers a new 'accessory' to teach with. They can assign projects for you and a group to make a video about what the class has learned in a certain unit. In Westerville, Ohio there is a high school that has their own YouTube channel and they take popular music and change the words to make a math song. They can be pretty catchy and can make math class a lot more fun.

YouTube is great for education because if teachers do choose to have a project using YouTube they won't have to correct a bunch of work on paper and they don't take the chance of losing your work. That doesn't happen often but it can still happen!
Most students use YouTube for presentations for visual marks and because if you need to reach a certain length of time you can use these videos to reach that time. Haha.

Not only can it help you with your homework, but you can learn new things through other educational videos. For example: you could learn about different animals on the Discovery Networks channel. YouTube can pretty much help you with anything you need to learn how to do. There are health procedures that can be put on YouTube all the way to lessons on how to cook, or lessons how to sing, ect. YouTube is like a class where you can learn anything you want.

YouTube is great! That's probably why it is used so much, and it has so many variety of topics to search on.

Effects SOPA can have on YouTube

The U.S government is trying to get a bill passed called "Stop online piracy act". This event has caused many to have controversial thoughts. It scares some people because life as we know nowadays revolves around the Internet. Not only is it used for social networks but it also helps students gain information for their school projects. Although this act is to prevent piracy of others, they are going to make business' fall apart. "On November 15, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, and LinkedIn wrote a letter to key members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, saying SOPA poses 'a serious risk to our industry's continued track record of innovation and job creation, as well as to our nation's cybersecurity.' (CNET news)

YouTube did not write the government a letter, however YouTube will be one of the most affected websites in the world. Any member can record a video of their TV screen of a movie and post it on YouTube. This affects YouTube because that would be considered piracy of the company who made the movie and if it is uploaded to YouTube that company won't make any money.

I feel that this piracy act would be a terrible mistake especially when it comes to YouTube because for some people this website isn't just to watch videos. YouTube are some peoples jobs, they get paid to entertain. I think it would be unfair to remove these people of their jobs. Also when it comes to celebrities, they will lose their publicity. Everyone uses YouTube to watch singers music videos and they get millions of views. If YouTube is shut down then these celebrities could potentially lose fans.

I think that this act is a smart idea because it is unfair to those who put effort into their work on the Internet and some students and others copyright the work of someone else and take credit. Having said that, I believe the government can make certain exceptions to what can be viewed on the Internet.