Friday, January 27, 2012

Meeting new people?

People know YouTube mostly to watch videos but it can be used for so much more. One thing people do not think about is that you can meet new people. How? Well it's pretty simple. The YouTube layout lets you have your own profile, including a picture. People can view your profile and send you messages, they can watch the videos you have posted but also see the videos you have posted. As far as meeting new people goes, if someone has a video and you want to respond to it then you can put 'Re: (Insert youtube video name here)'. Certain examples of where people have met over YouTube was an old lajeunesse student Alex Seguin when he would have video conversations with a YouTube celebrity I guess you could say, named Tyler Ward. After a couple of video conversations they had actually met when Tyler Ward went on tour.

A popular video has been one of the most viral videos around where there has been many different opinions of the subject. It has gotten over 17 million views in 2 weeks. It is called 'Why I hate religion, but love Jesus || Spoken Word'. There have been many people responding to the video disagreeing with what he says but there are also people who respond and agree. I personally think that what he says has great meaning and I enjoy his videos. He has other videos that have a lot of meaning too and it makes everyone think. If you haven't seen these videos I suggest you watch them.


  1. As a very non-religious muslim, this video is a breath of fresh air! :P My whole life I've been called stupid things because of my non-beliefs in all these rules implied. This video seems to sum it all up and honestly he seems to have better points made across then most of the religious people I've ever met. Religion is a belief, I think it's only put forth because with out it everyone wouldn't have a purpose to live, a meaning of life, with out that there would be no sanity. That's my opinion! Good blog though I really liked the video! :)

  2. I remember when you showed this to us in class, some of what he says is contradictive but ultimately I agree with him. Nice blog it's an interesting topic!
